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Speaker Presentation Information and slides (PDF)

John Bruna, CASAC, Author, Educator, Mindfulness Trainer, MIR Institute

“Myths and Benefits of Integrating Mindfulness in Addiction Treatment"  



In this presentation, John Bruna will highlight some of the myths and confusion regarding mindfulness, citing current research to identify exaggerated claims as well as best practices. He will also clarify the various definitions of mindfulness, types of meditation, and provide a practical overview of how mindfulness can effectively be integrated into the therapeutic setting for addiction treatment and co-occurring disorders. 




Bethany Brenes, MPA, LPTA , Establish Wellness

“A Neurological View of Addiction”   



This session will focus on EEG brain mapping and different forms of Neuromodulation to help participants understand how the EEG can provide an objective view of subjective symptoms and functional limitations. Bethany will explore how neuroanatomy and brainwaves are affected by substance use and how different substances can specifically alter the brain as seen in EEG records.



Justin Wolfe, LCPC, CADC, CRC, PCGC, Director of Clinical Services, Footprints to Recovery

“Searching for Motivation in the Land of Ambivalence”      



Ambivalence is a normal part of the change process. Rarely, does anyone make a sudden change in the moment, often it is wrestled with and internally debated for quite some time before one decides to take action. As helpers, it can be challenging to not push or advocate for change at times when our clients are engaging in behaviors that are contributing to their pain. There are actions we can take as helpers to support alignment with our clients as well as respect their autonomy in the process. If we mistake ambivalence for resistance, we can quickly fall into the power struggle trap and push people further away from the change. The workshop will focus on utilizing Motivational Interviewing (MI) to promote engagement and alignment in the change process while resolving barriers that impede a client's progress.



Rebecca Sledge Johnson, LPC-MHSP, ATR, Art Therapist, Cumberland Heights

“Using Mandalas for Meditation and Grounding in an Experiential Activity”   



In this session, Rebecca will guide participants in understanding how mandalas are helpful for creating a space for meditation, relaxation, and grounding in individuals with substance use disorder.  Participants will experience the facilitation and experience of creating their own mandala and will learn to facilitate mandalas on their own in both group and individual therapy.


“Trashed: Utilizing Junk or Found Materials to Create Art of Meaning in SUD Treatment”



In this experiential session, participants will discuss the limitations of the art-making process as non-art therapists. Participants will be given the opportunity to create their own work utilizing mixed media that is repurposed or recycled from other sources and will be able to identify the significance of the metaphor in this process and how they can apply this process to their own work.




Greg Futral, Ph.D., CSAT-S, NCC, Director, Gratitude Program at Pine Grove

"Countertransference in the Treatment of Addictive Disorders"



Clinicians in the addiction and mental health fields often have a wide variety of experiences and reactions in working with clients. Work with certain populations, such as those with addictive disorders, often presents challenges related to various cognitive and emotional reactions that may be evoked. This presentation will review pertinent issues related to describing, identifying, and managing countertransference reactions, with a particular focus on addiction-related therapeutic interventions. Considerations regarding the potential impact of such reactions on the treatment process will be included.   



Scott A Teitelbaum, MD, FAAP, DFASAM, Medical Director, Florida Recovery Center

“The Twelve Steps as Medication for Substance Use Disorder”



This session will explore the important role of AA in the history of the field of addiction medicine.  Dr. Teitelbaum will share how 12-step involvement is a disease-modifying intervention that often improves multiple aspects of the consequences of addiction, including biological, psychological, social, and spiritual consequences.  Participants will also learn about how full immersion/participation in the steps is quite similar to how one would approach the regular use of a medication.

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